Many drivers do not carry insurance coverage at all and those who do carry insurance often have insufficient coverage. Motorists who carry no insurance coverage are considered "uninsured," and thus, no liability coverage exists. In Pennsylvania, many motorists carry minimal coverage of $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident and in many cases would be considered underinsured motorists as they do not have sufficient liability coverage to compensate for the damages they cause. In order to fully recover for your own injuries and damages, we urge you to select full tort insurance and uninsured/underinsured motorist's insurance equal to your liability coverage and to stack that coverage. Please call us for a free review of your insurance coverage.
Did you know that more than one in 13 vehicles that you encounter on Pennsylvania highways will be uninsured?
What Happens If You Don't Have Full Insurance Protection?
You Cannot Collect When Uninsured Drivers Hit You
We speak with individuals all the time who were injured in a car accident and that we may not be able to help. If they're not fully insured, of course, we can't turn back the clock. For more help, call us today, and we'll be glad to explain your rights and the kind of insurance that will protect you and your family.
Don't Lose Your Right To Sue
Remember limited tort is the limited right to sue. A careless driver hit their car. Their son will take months to fully recover. Yet they can't
collect for pain and suffering. Why? They didn't have full tort insurance. Do you? If you
don't, you're at risk.
Contact Us
We invite you to call the lawyers at Davis & Davis Attorneys At Law in Uniontown and throughout Fayette County to discuss your car insurance. Call 724-437-2799, or use our online contact form to send us an email.